Virtual EMDR Therapy
What is Virtual Therapy?
Virtual therapy, also known as online therapy, tele-health therapy, E-therapy, etc. is therapy that takes place outside of the traditional/physical office space and into the virtual world. It can be through video, phone and/or messaging. Typically it is done by video in a zoom-like format, with the added security and confidentiality needed for a therapy session.
How Does It Work?
Is it safe? Can it be done? How? These are the questions I hear most, particularly in regards to virtual EMDR therapy. Let’s get into answering these questions.
Yes, it is safe. If there appears to be any safety issues/concerns your therapist will be mindful of those just as they would be in person and will address those accordingly.
Can it be done? If so, how? Well, in regards to the basics you will most likely be sent a link that invites you into the virtual therapy room at your scheduled time. All you need is a good wifi connection and a quiet space where you feel comfortable. As for the EMDR piece what sets this apart from other traditional therapies is the use of bilateral stimulation (BLS). There are a couple ways BLS can be used virtually:
eye movements with an application like activeEMDR where you will follow a ball that alternates from right to left across your screen (a computer 12-14 inches long will be needed for this application)
by using the butterfly hug method which only requires the use of your arms and hands (your therapist will be sure to demonstrate how this can be done)
or other creative ways of implementing the back-and-forth, side-to-side motion of BLS like running, walking, drumming, rocking, etc.
What Does the Research Say?
One thing we’ve learned from the pandemic is that EMDR most certainly can be done virtually, but let’s get into the research:
The European Journal of Psychotraumatology conducted a study on The Safety and effectiveness of intensive treatment for complex PTSD delivered via home-based telehealth and “the results suggest that intensive, trauma-focused treatment of severe or Complex PTSD delivered via home-based telehealth is feasible, safe and effective, and can be a viable alternative to face-to-face delivered intensive trauma-focused treatment.”
Another study by The European Journal of Psychotraumatology - Fully remote intensive trauma-focused treatment for PTSD and Complex PTSD - states that “the results support the notion that intensive, trauma-focused treatment is feasible, safe and associated with a large decrease in PTSD and Complex PTSD symptoms, even when it is brief, and applied fully remote.”
Another study focused on the Clinician and Patient Experience of Internet-Mediated Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy and concluded that out of all the clients involved “the majority (88%) felt extremely or somewhat comfortable with online EMDR.”
This study (Therapists’ Experiences With the Effectiveness and Feasibility of Videoconference-Based Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) was one of the first to address the effectiveness of online EMDR by asking EMDR therapists about their experience. Their results show online EMDR “as an effective and viable alternative to face-to-face EMDR.”
There is still more to learn about virtual EMDR, but from what we can tell it is a safe and effective option.
So, What Are the Pros + Cons?
No commute
Accessibility for People With Physical Limitations
Staying in your own comfortable environment
Flexibility in scheduling
Opens up options to more therapists, typically state-wide, which means you can be as “picky” as you want!
Reduces possible stigma of seeing others in person
Insurance companies may not cover it
Possible technical issues or bad wifi connection
Some difficulty with body language
May not be suitable for more intensive/severe mental health conditions
All that being said, it really depends on your own comfort level. If you feel like this could be a good option for you just be sure to have a solid wifi connection and a comfy, quiet spot away from distractions. Virtual sessions can be alternated with in-person sessions so just because you try it does not mean you have to keep with it if it is not your thing!